Friday, August 15, 2014

Suicide And The Social Media

Robin William's suicide has left lots of 'The Genie is Free' and 'Finally at Peace' posts all over my Newsfeed. The problem with this is that they are usually accompanied by a slew of Suicide Awareness posts. The world seems pretty torn between the overglorification of suicide and the prevention of it. The media keeps spitting out conflicting messages about how we should be viewing suicide. Between trying to stop depression and trying to comfort the people who mourn the death of someone who committed suicide, it's easy to get confused.

Depression is a real thing. When news reporters sugarcoat suicide as a way to comfort mourners, they're just digging themselves into a hole that they later try to cover up by making their next news segment about suicide prevention and the dangers of depression.

Instead of telling people to be happy, news stations and websites could make active measures to make people happier. Eliminating the subtle (and not so subtle) use of pornographic images that warp the minds of little girls by telling them what they should strive for to become successful is one way to do this. The plots of TV shows aimed at pre-teens and teens don't have to all revolve around the need to have a boyfriend or girlfriend to validate oneself.

Now more than ever media influences not only kids but adults as well, whether they realize it or not. This influence eats away at people's self-image and self-worth. Focusing on the world and its desires and expectations is only going to end in feelings of failure. When suicide is viewed as a 'better place' or as a final peace from this world of high standards, what's the expected outcome supposed to be? Suicide rates go up after a celebrity kills themselves for a reason.

This isn't to say that the only reason for depression is because of media. Depression is a mental illness that requires help and support. But for someone who is depressed, opening their web browser and reading articles isn't going to help. Depression and self-doubt is a slippery slope that's worsened by the media. 

As a Christian, I believe that there is no happy ending for someone who actively takes their own life. I also believe that my worth and my hope comes not from the world, but from God and that gives me hope.  

Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows.
                                                                                                   Luke 12:6-7 ESV

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