Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Why I Will Never Be Able To Break Up With Someone

I knew by the look on my mom's face as soon as she answered the phone. Another college asking why I didn't complete the online application/would I consider applying? 

I groaned and took the phone to my official 'dealing with grownup stuff over the phone' place. The downstairs bathroom. 

I knew what the call was going to be like. First, they'd ask me how my day was and immediately go into asking what I am considering doing for the rest of my life. 

Don't get me wrong, I give a lot of credit to the unfortunate souls on the other end of the phone. I wouldn't want to spend my free time calling high school students who don't want to talk to me and persuade them to attend my school. (Watch, next year I can almost guarantee that if I get to participate in work study, that'll be the job I get)

So this is how the conversation went:

'Good evening, my name is blah blah, and I'm calling on behalf of Blah Blah University. How are you?'

'Uhm, I'm good.'

'Good, good. I see here that at one point you were interested in attending Blah Blah, are you still considering applying?'

'Well, see, there's another college that I'm interested in. I started applying for Blah Blah a while back, but never got around to finishing.'

'Oh, I see. And what college is that.'

'Blahditty Blah.'

'Alright then, would you like to be removed from our calling list?'

'Uhm, well, I might still get around to applying, but, uhm, you can remove me if you want.' -face palm-

'The decision is really up to you. Would you like to be removed?'

'...yes, please.'

'Thank you, goodnight.'

I proceeded to press the 'End Call' button two or three times (to be absolutely sure, you know?) and hand the phone back to my mom. I happily went back to looking up things on Pinterest, knowing that I had successfully been removed from a college's calling list. 


  1. ROTFLOL!!! =) You have your own "dealing-with-grownup-things-spot", too? Mine is by the mudroom door so I can kick the carpet.
    This totally sounds like a conversation I would have. Face-palming included.
    Those poor souls who have to call people. . .why even own a phone? They're instruments of embarrassment!!!

  2. Thank goodness I'm not the only one!

    Phones should definitely go extinct, preferably really soon. Seriously.
