Saturday, April 11, 2015

I'm Thankful For...

...a theatre family that puts up with me spinning into them, petting a stuffed skunk for half an hour like a crazy person, or nearly ripping their face off instead of their ski-mask/helmet. Fellow cast members that go on adventures to the post office with me to pick up a stage manager's car keys (even if they did plot something sinister with bobby pins and mud holes...).

...a dad who helps me figure out how to fix the program for the musical. Before I could even go into full-on freakout mode...You just needed to save it in 'landscape' instead of 'portrait'...*facepalm*

In case you're wondering, this is what 123 business cards look like. 

...friends who will drive to a friend's wedding to see you for an hour between the ceremony and the reception. And stuff you so full of chicken nuggets and fries that you're barely able to eat any of your 'actual' supper.

...a job at a candy shop. I'll stop talking about it someday, but that day is not today. Last week, for the first time, I got to be the only person working. The first customer I had all by myself said he'd never been in the shop before, but ended up buy five pounds of fudge. He told me his father had esophageal cancer (something I learned about this summer) and that because fudge practically melted in his mouth, he was able to eat it without any pain. This customer also told me how lucky I was to have my first job in a candy shop instead of hauling boxes into trucks. It is pretty cool. Even if kids spit out jelly beans wherever they feel like. 

...the ability to stay in bed most of the day. When it hurts to move and you can't talk, it's a relief to not have to call in sick. All I have to do is tell my mom (in a super-attractive husky voice, that is).

What are some things you're thankful for? :)


  1. Well, it gives a whole new meaning to, "off with their heads." Wait. That's Alice in Wonderland not Robin Hood. :)
    Ah. Play programs. The worst part is setting the margins, lengths, and all that jazz. I'm hoping you weren't stuck with the ever evil Microsoft Publisher? :( :(
    I'm thankful my older bro is alive after getting hit by a car. #CrazyWeekend (he's fine. Well, complete-broken-leg-surgery-fine. I think my mom was more emotionally scarred then he was. . .)

    1. Oh my, Bethany! I hadn't heard about that. I'm glad he's going to be okay!
