Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My Very Last First Day

My first year of school, Mom read me this book and I thought of it today when I sat down for my very last first day of school (at home, at least).

It's almost surreal thinking that this is the start of my -last- year of high school. First days are always the best day of the school year. Every other day of the year lacks the excitement and motivation of that anticipated first day. And this is my last one. 

It's bittersweet. No more 'first day of school outfit' jokes in pajamas with my siblings. 

No more going over chore schedules for the year or walking through assignments and expectations.

But at the same time, this is almost the end of a big chapter in my life, and I'm excited to start reading the next one. Until then, however, I think I'm going to curl up, read some picture books, and soak up the nostalgia.

Also, my brother is almost taller than me. What?


  1. Oh, so bittersweet. I know you'll make the best of your last year.

    And yeah, Henry's been eating his vegetables...or somethin'. If your Mom has trouble finding pants that are long enough in the legs but skinny enough in the waist for him, then he can have Jeffrey's outgrown jeans.

  2. Ohhhh...I'm just sobbing in my cup of coffee.
    Let's get together and sob complete knowing looks and whatnot. ;)
