Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The Knitting (aka making a sweater part 2)

I not only suffer from YSS, but I also suffer from BKS (bored knitter syndrome). Symptoms include feeling as if you've been working on a project for what seems like forever, starting countless other projects, and wrists that hurt too much to move. Sufferers know that whatever they're making would fit much better if they kept going for another inch or so, but the desire to try the garment on outweighs the need to make the garment the right size. 

That had been my problem for my second sweater. I had bought enough yarn, and I followed the pattern, but I was so sick of knitting the poor thing that I figured I could just 'make it fit' instead of knitting for another hour.

No. Constantly readjusting a sweater isn't worth it. Tugging and stretching and blocking get annoying after more than one wear.

So I was determined not to let that happen again. I fought through the boredom.

Fighting through the boredom meant spending quite a bit of time knitting in my closet. One night, after watching an episode of Doctor Who titled 'Night Terrors', I went up to my closet to make an attempt at finishing a sleeve.

 I turned on the light and immediately heard a high pitched *squeeeal*.

The lights started flickering.

The squeal got louder.

Then blackness, shortly followed by a *pop*.

Turns out the lightbulb had decided to die as dramatically as possible.

That took away some of the boredom.

A few nights later, I had an experience that was almost, if not, more, terrifying. I was almost done, so close I could feel it. I just need to finish the neckband. When I finally cast off, I tried to get it over my head. I would've been lucky to be able to stick my foot through it. See, in knitting, weird things can happen. Even if you think you're following the directions exactly, your project can turn out super weird.

My first ever knitting project was supposed to be a 10 stitch square. After a night of wrapping the yarn around and pulling the loops through and off the needle, I ended up with this lovely triangle with  over 30 stitches and a huge hole smack dab in the middle.

The sinking feeling I experienced back then was the same one I experienced many, many, many times since and again when I saw that collar...

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