Friday, November 7, 2014


I have yet to figure out the perfect balance between 'too busy' and 'doing nothing'. 

If I have something scheduled everyday I get over-stressed. If I go more than a day without having an activity my extroverted-ness kicks in and I crave busy-ness.

This year Senioryearitis kicked in.

This is my last chance! I better do everything I can!

Two months later I've participated in my first community theatre production and am currently going to practices three times a week for my second. Robin Hood practices, dance class, acting class, teaching Sunday School, finding venues for the homeschool prom, and, of course, school-work fill up a majority of my time.

I'm not as busy as some people, but for me, I'm busy. I'm starting to like it more, though. I like the sense of accomplishment. I like making the most of my time.

Being gone in the evenings makes me appreciate nights with peanut butter mug cakes and Princess Diaries 2 with my little sister all the more. ;)

On a side note - The other day I went with my little sister to an audition for The Wizard of Oz at our local middle school. Despite the fact that I am a senior in high school and therefore at least four years older than some of the other girls auditioning, I felt intimidated by them. Seriously. They had a more mature sense of fashion than I do. I'm all about t-shirts and jeans. These middle school girls had top-buns, skinny jeans, fashion scarves, and iPhones. It was ridiculous.


  1. Ummm...but *they* were ridiculous. I mean, I'm sure they're great kids for the most part. But I'm so glad my kids haven't had to go to public middle school. Constantly, in the front of their minds, they are consciously considering, "How can I impress everyone in this room? How can I get some attention?"

    And in my humble opinion, "mature sense of fashion" is when you dress the way you *want* to dress because you *like* it--not because you think it will make you popular or that's-what-everyone-else-is-wearing.

    And...not that it matters...but I really like your style, Maddi. Especially those "curtain pants" you have. None of those middle schoolers would have been confident enough to wear those. You, on the other hand, rock them.

    1. By 'mature' I meant 'above their age level'. The middle schoolers that I see around dress like someone my age would dress, when, in my opinion, t-shirts and jeans are the way to go ;) And thanks! My 'curtain pants' have such a special place in my heart. :)

    2. Ahhh...I see what you mean. They're still kids, and they should dress like kids--ready to play and have fun.

      *puts curtain pants on Christmas list*
