Wednesday, March 4, 2015

How to Survive Your Last Day of Childhood

Wake up early and cram as much knowledge in your head as possible. Not as a last effort to make the most of your childhood school days, but to avoid as much school as possible on your first day of adulthood (it will give you more time to adapt, you know?).

Take care of important responsibilities (like as selling and prom meetings) and feel super grown up (never a bad idea to practice ahead of time, feeling grown up, that is) about an actual meeting room. 

Come home and curl up with some 'nostalgia candy' and watch horrifying home movies. 

Assure yourself that it won't be unacceptable for you to color pictures and stomp in puddles even if you'll technically be an adult. 

Thank the Lord for an amazing 18 years and remind yourself that just because you're almost 18, you are no where near grown up.


  1. WAIT. I didn't know it was your birthday!?!? Happy Birthday!
    And that candy looks familiar.
    Too familiar. ;)

  2. Aww, happy birthday!! I hope you were thoroughly embarrassed at play practice today! *wink, wink* And of course coloring pages are not unacceptable. When I'm old and at a nursing home, that's what I'll be doing. ;)

  3. (Sometimes I still color in coloring books, but then again, I have kids, and I'm *usually* coloring with them. Usually.)

    Happy birthday, Maddi!

    Oh, and at play practice...I always try to start singing "Happy Birthday" at a quick-ish tempo, because I know (from having 100 people at camp sing it to me every July for...well...I'm not going to tell you how many years) that song is theeee longest song in the history of the world when it's being sung *to* you. So I hope it wasn't too embarrassing.
